New Jersey Stage Issue 63 | Page 9

member, spoke in the following in- terview about the band’s anniver- sary, influence and legacy, as well as his moonlighting as the key- boardist in the Doobie Brothers.  As a founding member with Lowell George, what has been the main thing about Little Feat that has brought you the most joy during the past 50 years? I would say that the connection between our music and other bands, large and small. You just mentioned the tribute on May 19. The Rolling Stones coming to see us in Amsterdam in 1975. Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin said we were his favorite American band. We’ve had a good influence on other musicians and other bands. The same things have rolled into us as well.  One of the things Lowell talked about in the ’60s was the idea of not being a household name. That would not be necessary or to make hit records, but to impact the mu- sical community. We’ve certainly done that, and it’s very gratifying.  Listen to “Rocket In My Pocket” by Little Feat NJ STAGE - ISSUE 63 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 9