New Jersey Stage Issue 63 | Page 31

Bader’s play is a suspenseful drama that explores the relation- ship between Hannah Arendt and the young prison guard who ar- rests her. It takes place in 1933 after Hitler has declared a state of emergency. Martial law is in ef- fect, with a new secret state police in formation, and political activism has become a capital crime. One young police officer, Karl Frick, gets promoted from the criminal division to the new political divi- sion. In his first week at his new job, he arrests Johanna Stern, a graduate student seen copying documents in the library. Frick has no idea that Mrs. Stern will be- come one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Is Mrs. Stern an innocent who pressed a button on the mimeo- graph machine at the wrong mo- ment? Or is she an enemy of the state? Frick can already tell that his first interrogation promises to be his most challenging one. NJ STAGE - ISSUE 63 Jenny Lyn Bader Jenny Lyn Bader is well versed on the history of Hannah Arendt. In fact, her husband, Roger Berkowitz, is the Founder and Academic Director of the Hannah Arendt Center and Bader is on the Board of Advisors. She attends Hannah Arendt confer- ences and has a house full of Hannah Arendt books. When she INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 31