New Jersey Stage Issue 63 | Page 20

 What do you miss the most about Lowell George and why? He was my mentor. I miss that guy I could sit and talk with and share hopes and dreams and aspi- rations. We could talk about any- thing under the sun: books, music. That’s what was important to us. I would have loved for that guy to continue that journey.  He was such an incredible musi- cian. The technique he used to play and to sing, his phrasing. His NJ STAGE - ISSUE 63 genius was in his phrasing, but he was also a terrific songwriter, a wonderful lyricist. Thankfully, we have what he left us. It’s a very challenging repertoire and such great stuff. How and why has Little Feat been able to endure so long without Lowell? It wasn’t all about Lowell. He didn’t write ‘Oh Atlanta,’ ‘All that You Dream.’ He didn’t write ‘Tripe w INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 20