New Jersey Stage Issue 63 | Page 18

It’s like when children pick up Spanish or French. I have a grand- daughter who’s 10 who speaks beautiful Spanish. I admire when people leave themselves open to influences, and that comes through food, books, language. It sets off areas of the world we want to see whether it be in our own backyard. Those things give life deeper, more enriching meaning.  That comes out through music, and in this case, Little Feat was absorbing the music of New Or- leans. That was a very small part of it but enough of it to throw it out to people. We were not from New Orleans, but why not play that? Just because you’re not from Hamburg, Germany, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play Beethoven. It’s what we brought to the table and how we expressed ourselves.  A band that reminds of Little Feat a lot is New Orleans Suspects. What did you think of their recent live tribute to Little Feat?   It was a surprise for all of us. They asked me to sit in. We broke into ‘Sneakin’ Sally through the Alley.’  Watch Bill Payne jam with New Orleans Suspects NJ STAGE - ISSUE 63 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 18