New Jersey Stage Issue 63 | Page 15

Doobie Brothers, I did a brief stint with Leftover Salmon, a band from Colorado. I loved playing with those guys.  I’ve played with the Doobies since 1972. I’ve done a couple of tours with them. It’s financial se- curity for my family. And I’m hap- py to be a part of their family. I got lucky in that they are allowing me to schedule touring with Little Feat for the 50th anniversary. I’m blessed to have Little Feat and al- ways will be, and I’m proud of my work with the Doobies.  In 2017, members of Feat and the Doobies performed together in Playing for Change’s We Are One Concert. And, of course, you were label mates on Warner Bros. who must have performed or at least jammed together now and then in the ‘70s. But have Little Feat toured with The Doo- bie Brothers since you joined the Doobies’ touring band in 2015 or are there any plans to?  I would do that in a heartbeat. I would love to see that happen whether it’s a tour or a few gigs. Listen Watch to a video “All That for “Let You Dream” It Roll” by by Little Little Feat Feat NJ STAGE - ISSUE 63 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 15