New Jersey Stage Issue 61 | Page 111

her trademark hat. Somehow - and she’s still unsure how she did it - she not only continued per- forming live, but did a show one week later, just days after leaving the hospital. “I guess when you’re young and something like that hap- pens to you there’s a part of you that’s living in denial as a way of protecting yourself,” explained Mas. “For example, to this day, I don’t remember anything about it. I remember going to bed and I remember a knock on the in- ternal door of the house. It was a house that people would rent for the summer and so you had a lot of yuppy students and such. I was living in the landlord’s apart- ment at the time. He and his fa- ther would come weekends to do work on the house. Thankfully, he was there that night and sleeping on a sofa in the living room. He heard something - God knows what he heard - and knocked at NJ STAGE - ISSUE 61 Stage NEW JERSEY SPECIAL OFFER FIVE ADS FOR 30 DAYS! ONLY $100 CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 111