New Jersey Stage Issue 61 | Page 103

Several people have encour- aged her to write a biography or have her story told in a documen- tary film, but Mas doesn’t believe her story on its own would be enough. “I always though if you’re not fa- mous, it’s sort of presumptuous to write an autobiography or make a movie about yourself,” said Mas from her home in Arizona. Looking back at her life, it’s defi- nitely a story worth telling and one that might be able to help others as well. Mas grew up on Long Island and studied opera for many years. She attended The American Musical and Dramatic Academy at 16 and became the youngest member of The Light Opera of Manhattan at 17. After being accepted at Juil- liard School of Music, her plans changed when she played a folk festival in Hazleton, Pennsylvania and never looked back. Watch Carolyne Mas perform“Amersterdam” NJ STAGE - ISSUE 61 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 103