New Jersey Stage Issue 59 | Page 25

brary, the movie fluffs the opportu- nity to riff on Hitchcock’s Torn Cur- tain by having the men attempt to fight without making any noise. John Wick 3 trades the style, wit and sophistication of its predeces- sors for garish lighting, sub Ta- kashi Miike edgelord violence and a postmodern takedown of the Walter Hill inspired world it so me- ticulously constructed. When John Wick 2 ended, you wanted to watch the next installment right away, but when John Wick 3 teas- es a fourth chapter, you’re simply left groaning. John Wick 2 was the dog’s bollocks. John Wick 3 is simply bollocks. w When John Wick 3 teases a fourth chapter, you’re simply left groaning. John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellem 1 ½ stars out of 5 Directed by: Chad Stahelski Starring: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, NJ STAGE - ISSUE 59 Ian McShane, Laurence Fishburne,   Mark Dacascos, Asia Kate Dillon, Lance Reddick,  Anjelica Huston INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 25