New Jersey Stage Issue 59 | Page 127

answer one thing before I fly. Which one of you assholes blew a hole in the sky? … My generation ain’t pussies. We don’t need guns to have a blast. Take that second amendment and stick it up your ass!” I also love the mariachi horn line in the break of this song in which Steven relives his youth as a modern-day Millennial lamenting the damage his actual generation has done politically and environ- mentally. A longtime supporter of edu- cation, particularly with his TeachRock curriculum that aims to preserve American music his- tory, Steven gives a nod to good teachers who do their best within an increasingly shitty system via the Indian-spiced raga-rock of “Education.” The exotic tune fea- tures great use of sitar and tabla. Also exotic-sounding is “Suddenly You,” a sultry love song with great trumpet parts by Ron Tooley and Ravi Best. NJ STAGE - ISSUE 59 On “I Visit the Blues,” Steven does that just by enthusiastically recalling his early days in the pre- Jukes outfit Blackberry Booze Band. He boldly sings, “I ain’t look- ing for no trouble baby, but if you need some, I’m your man. I do my drinkin’ with Mr. Lucifer. Canceled my ticket to the Promised Land.” And that brings us to what in my opinion is the best new Ste- ven song: “Summer of Sorcery” the percussive, largely acoustic Springsteen-like closing title track that builds into an epic Specto- resque pop-chestra, kind of like an innocent prequel to that which was lost in “Jungleland.” A good chunk of this rhythm & bluesy, rock ‘n’ soul collection also can be heard live. Upcoming area dates of are July 16 at Col- lege Street Music Hall in New Ha- ven; July 18 at The Paramount in Huntington, NY; July 20 at Keswick Theatre in Glenside, Pa., and July 26 at the State Theatre in Easton. INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 127