New Jersey Stage Issue 58 | Page 44

I’ll also be writing and record- ing my own music in between, re- ally working to craft my sound and originals so that by fall there will be a new-and-improved Taylor Tote! join in on this project!  Anthony Baklouk, Claudia Hanna and Brittany Wilson, who all grew up with me, make an appearance, which was super fun to have them on board! They drove all the way Is there anything I didn’t ask out to Mount Holly to be in the on which you would like to video, and I’m very grateful for comment? them.  Well, since we’re premiering the And of course, the band! On the video, I would love to give a shout recording, we had Tom Briant and out to everyone who’s helped Nick Ryan on the guitars, Aaron work on it! Of course, the song Manzo on bass, and Anthony Flora was recorded by David Ivory and on the drums. In the video, we Joe Lam of Ivory Productions, and have Kenny Iselhart and Nick Ryan the video was filmed by Andrea on the guitars, Jimmy Franklin on Morgan who was an absolute bass, and Anthony Flora on the dream to work with! She put so drums.  much time and work into this video I would also love to give an in- and also let me assist with direct- credibly special shout out to ing and editing the video with her.  Ocean Crossfit, my friends and My amazing friend, Jonathan my home, for donating their Sanchez, plays the love interest, space for the video. That’s where and it’s so hard to believe he’s we filmed all the band shots actu- never done any acting before. He ally! I’m very excited for everyone was a true natural, and I was so to see this video, I put so much blessed to have someone like him soul into it. NJ STAGE - ISSUE 58 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 44