sounds much different, and the
overall vibe often reaches back
to early Incubus or, even farther
back, Mordred. What are the
challenges in getting potential
listeners past preconceptions?
Descriptions can be misleading.
As a rock band this day in age
As such, when Experiment 34 is
you have to put your money
described - as a heavy rock/funk
where your mouth is. RATM is a
band with predominant rapped
major influence of mine, there’s no
vocals and socially conscious lyrics way around that. But so is Johnny
- impressions are almost invariably Cash, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The
going to think to Rage Against
Doors and many others. Plus,
The Machine. I was surprised to
the other members of the band
find that, tonally, Experiment 34
have all of their influences. That’s
surge. Personally, I feel it’s the
right thing to do. Our government
has done us a disservice and the
longer we stay quiet, the more of
a hold they’ll have over us.
Listen to “Well, You Know” by Experiment 34