New Jersey Stage Issue 55 | Page 74

One of my favorite aspects of the film is how you showed the un- veiling of artwork for a few of her customers.  That’s a bit of a risky shot.  Was Mimi on board with that from the beginning? Mimi was completely on board to shoot the unveiling and confident she would deliver what they were looking for. She told us she never had a return portrait… and she did not disappoint. but I couldn’t imagine any with a city storefront.  In many ways, it makes sense that she’s in the Vil- lage.  Could you picture her shop anywhere else?  No. It couldn’t exist anywhere else. The Village has been home to freethinkers, artists and radicals for hundreds of years – it was built for people like Mimi… And now the Village has people with money who can afford these paintings. I knew there were photogra- phers who worked with pets, Even though the Village has changed so much over the years, NJ STAGE - ISSUE 55 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 74