New Jersey Stage Issue 55 | Page 28

Simone was a natural subject to whom Simone had always been at- tracted: “We’re very different. She was outspoken, brazen, brave, sen- sitive. She had cracks and flaws, too. Those are things that make a character satisfying to play.” “Little Girl Blue” is performed in two acts—inspired by Simone ap- pearances at the Westbury Music Fair in 1968 and at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland in 1976. The radicalism, idealism, cour- age, and turmoil of Simone’s life is revealed in her songs, in her banter with her musicians and her remarks to the audience, and in flashbacks in which Michelle por- trays both Simone and personali- ties from her past. “This is like a dream experience for me,” Michelle said. “I was able to write a piece that really used all my skills, all my talent. I’ll be play- ing the piano, speaking different dialects, singing. It’s thrilling, it’s fun, it’s exhausting, but the in the end it’s satisfying.” w Little Girl Blue: The Nina Simone Musical January 29 - February 24 George Street Playhouse 103 College Farm Road New Brunswick, NJ NJ STAGE - ISSUE 55 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 28