excellent way of getting your
music out there, absolutely. But
there’s so much at your fingertips
people don’t seem to want to
leave the house anymore, never
mind trying something new. I’m
not complaining, I’ve just never
been a big fan of social media.
It’s a necessary evil we use for the
sake of being heard.
We actually have two new
members that we are extremely
excited about! Keith Leming is our
drummer and he got the songs
down in just a few practices. Also,
we have Bryan Viegas on bass and
he plays with an aggression that
we really enjoy.
What must an Experiment 34 live
show bring to the audience, and
What was the band lineup for the what takeaways do you hope that
recording? Recently there have
people will leave with?
been some personnel changes.
Energy. They feed off of us and
Who are on board now?
we feed off of them. If there’s a
Listen to “Cut The String” by Experiment 34