New Jersey Stage Issue 52 | Page 83

As a matter of fact. With Mi- chael Myers, the film’s masked killer, escaping - after being stabbed by knitting needles, coat hangers and his own fa- vored butcher knife, before be- ing shot six times and plummet- ing over a second floor balcony - we’re left in no doubt that My- ers is a supernatural force. And as Tommy Doyle, the young boy in Laurie’s charge on that eve- ning, warns his babysitter, “You can’t kill the boogeyman.” Carpenter’s film is the story of a very intelligent, smart (“Boys think I’m too smart”) and well educated young woman whose belief in logic and reason is shat- tered by an encounter with the supernatural. By the end of the movie, Laurie Strode has come to believe that the boogey- man exists, and that he can’t be stopped, at least not by any rational means. It made sense in the 1998 sequel Halloween: H20 then that Laurie would get Watch the trailer for Halloween NJ STAGE - ISSUE 52 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 83