New Jersey Stage Issue 48 | Page 146

child’s social and intellectual de- velopment. And it might cause behavior problems in school as it might manifest as ADD/ ADHD. Kids who recognize they perceive things differently don’t normally talk about it. They don’t know how. A child might think he’s dumb because he can’t recite poetry or remember a dance routine like the other kids. If detected early, a child can be guided toward those exception- al abilities that often come with different brain wiring, for exam- ple, the exceptionally high level of performance in math, music, and other areas among children on the Autism Spectrum. w Kids who recognize they perceive things differently don’t normally talk about it. Rosemary Conte is a jazz singer, voice teacher and freelance writer based in Matawan. Your comments and suggestions for topics are welcome at [email protected] Ask Rosemary how you may become a sponsor of Inside Music, with your name or business appearing in a supporter’s box in any or all issues of New Jersey Stage’s eMagazine and website. NJ STAGE - ISSUE 48 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 146