New Jersey Stage Issue 47 | Page 86

the website — a move appearing to keep real indie artists out for good. Chorney originally told her story in the 2013 book, Who the F**K is Linda Chorney. Her new film tells that story and more. It’s a funny look at Chorney’s career and her adventures around the world, leading up to the mo- ment she became “almost fa- mous” after 30 years of gigging on the road. While the book starts on the night she learned she was nominated, the film shows her complete journey as an artist. “This movie is my ridiculous quest for validation. It starts with a f lashback of my life so the people who don’t know me can see that I’ve been around a long time,” explained Chorney. “It’s been a long, hard road of good guys and bad guys and ups and downs. In order for the audi- ence to understand that journey, I had to do a flashback of my life. But I do it quickly. I get to the friggin’ point!” Watch the trailer for When I Sing NJ STAGE - ISSUE 47 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 86