New Jersey Stage Issue 44 | Page 35

created over 100 years ago is still found in so many of our po- litical leaders today. Jarry wrote a short piece about time travel, which was really a piece about his bike, and I took that and ran with it. Where in truth, Jarry died from illness, alcoholism and mal- nutrition, I surmised, after much research, that in reality, he died from time travel, trying to go backwards in time to destroy his creation UBU but ends up in the future meeting a modern day embodiment of UBU. It’s a really out there play that needs to be picked up..  There are a few companies do- ing sci-fi theatre, but it’s a genre that’s hard to put on a stage with all the effects and design that is involved. its core is about humanity and how far we’ve separated our- selves from it. It’s a future-jazz piece.  My play After Us The Sav- age God is about the avant- garde writer Alfred Jarry and his twisted creation King UBU, Speaking of films, I saw that a which is something that can tie screenplay of the story is being very closely into the current po- rewritten. Are you hoping to go litical climate. This beast that was down that road? NJ STAGE - ISSUE 44 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 35