New Jersey Stage Issue 44 | Page 24

members - played by Moorhead and Benson using their own first names - living humdrum lives 10 years after fleeing the cult. As with Resolution, a video arrives in the post that seems to sug- gest the cult members are about to pull a Jonestown style mass suicide, and after much badger- ing, the younger Aaron encour- ages his weary older brother Justin to accompany him back to the commune they grew up in. On arrival, the cult seems like a typical commune setup, popu- lated by people who probably couldn’t function in normal life, but it soon becomes apparent a NJ STAGE - ISSUE 44 supernatural power is present in the surrounding area. This manifests itself in increas- ingly spooky and surreal ways, from two moons appearing in the sky, to characters finding themselves caught in time loops they can’t escape from. Unable to leave the commune as a re- sult, Aaron and Justin struggle to find a solution to their predica- ment before the much prophe- sied appearance of a third moon destroys the world they’ve be- come trapped in. In both Resolution and The Endless, Benson and Moorhead draw from various sources. A INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 24