New Jersey Stage Issue 44 | Page 20

the same person for a long, long time. And when they see you out and about - for many mo- ments they don’t even realize that you’re sick. But the minute you leave their sightline, sud- denly you’re that person.” combination of isolation, fear people will go away and disap- pear, fear they will treat you dif- ferently, and fear that everything you knew and loved will sud- denly dry up. I really struggle with that. I came to grips with it pretty early on, but you’re never “So you’ve got to tell people content because there are al- because you don’t want to lose ways days where it’s like maybe the closeness with them and you they’ll find a cure for it tomor- want some interaction before row. Or maybe tomorrow they’ll you go,” said Richards. “Peo- find something that won’t cure ple with this diagnosis live in a me, but will give me another ten constant state of fear. It’s the years.” Watch a video for “Traveling Light” by Leonard Cohen NJ STAGE - ISSUE 44 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 20