New Jersey Stage Issue 44 | Page 8

had consultations from six sepa- rate oncologists and every one of them gave virtually the same diagnosis. five years) who was planning on spending the next 30-40 years with her husband in a nice place, building a life again… and now someone just told you that in “I would say honestly, she prob- four months it could be all over.” ably took it worse than I did,” re- called Richards. “Which I would They moved down south for a expect because the very first variety of reasons. Tom was of- two doctors we saw said that fered a position that would take he needs to start chemo right advantage of his engineering away and if it stays the way it is degree; it was a chance to live in he might live four months. Tell an area where the cost of living that to your relatively new wife is much better; and he would (at that point, they were married be closer to Nashville - a far bet- NJ STAGE - ISSUE 44 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 8