based my success. My mother
goes, “Do you have it there?” I
said yes. She goes, “Page 27,
left column.” Aunt Florence had
briefed her thoroughly. So I’m
reading from the TV Guide. “July
2nd, Tuesday night, 1986 - NBC
television, New York, 1 AM.” It’s
a Tuesday night. Who the fuck
is up at 1am on a Tuesday night?
Didn’t everybody fall asleep
watching Johnny Carson? Re-
member when they had a great
guest on that you wanted to see.
You’d wait up to 11:30 and fall
asleep before the guest came
on. You’d wake up the next
morning, “Shit! I missed David
Hasselhoff!” or “Shit, there was
a preview of BJ and the Bear I
wanted to see!” [laughs] Sor-
ry, this is what happens when
you’re on 16 flights in 10 days…
So, I begin to read from the TV
Guide. “Tuesday, July 2nd, NBC
television, 1AM, Channel 4 New
York - The David Brenner Show.”
Remember David Brenner, the
comedian? He had a variety show
for like 10 minutes in the summer
Watch a video for “I Want To Hold Your Hand” by The Smithereens