New Jersey Stage February 2015 | Page 90

The idea of the piece being controversial was never a major issue because the reason it was chosen is, first and most importantly, that it is a piece of good theatre, wellwritten, with fully developed characters, and a unique storytelling device woven into the work that hopefully generates thought as well as discussion. outside pressure, I think our society, while it still has a tremendous way to go, has come to the realization that the LGBTQ community did not arrive in a spaceship or have a condition that can be medically cured, but rather that they are our sisters, our brothers, and our friends, and they deserve the same love and respect that every “For 33 years we have battled the perception of what theatre for young audiences should be” “I view this production as we have with our other New Play Reading Festival winners, as the final step of the process of fine tuning the piece for future presentations,” Fredericks continued. “Obviously each new director or designer will have their own individual impact on the piece. This individual or couple or family deserves.” Freeman adds, “Unfortunately, we are not living in a post-homophobic world. Although marriage equality is slowly progressing across our country, one set of laws does not directly correlate with attitudes. At the same time, families we hope presents it in a form that of all shapes and sizes live their will allow that opportunity to take lives in every type of community. place. Regarding the potential for For individuals who fear present- New Jersey Stage Article Index Next Article 90