New Jersey Stage February 2015 | Page 81

existence, but Cronenberg’s attack is a particularly twisted take on tinseltown. A dark comic tale with surreal touches, Maps to the Stars feels like a collaboration between David Lynch and Larry David. It has the cheap video aesthetic of Inland Empire and Curb Your Enthusiasm, overexposing its characters in every sense of the word. Pyromaniac Agatha (Wasikowska) returns to her hometown of Hollywood, having been re- leased from a rehab center. Her parents, self-help guru Stafford (Cusack) and Cristina (Williams) are none too happy about her reappearance, as Agatha is privy to a dark secret about the couple. Meanwhile, Agatha takes a production assistant job for actress Havana (Moore), a pill-popping paranoiac who gives Sunset Boulevard’s Norma Desmond a run for her money in the crazy stakes. It’s the cast that elevates Watch the trailer for Maps To The Stars February 2015 Article Index Next Article 81