bum and decided to use the car for
the cover image. By the time it was
released videos had come into play
and when we were asked to come
up with something. We wondered
why anybody would want to see
three gnarly whiskered dudes so
we suggested those pretty girls and
that pretty little car. Serendipity!
We had no actual thoughts about
it. Frank, our drummer, and the only
one of us without a beard though
his last name is Beard, actually happened into the early MTV while
channel surfing. He was delighted
to find music on TV and stayed up
for 10 more hours, not wantingto
miss any of it, not knowing it ran 24
hours. We had some catching up
Did you ever imagine you three to do, obviously, but it did work out
would have such an amazing run for the best.
on MTV or that it would boost
your profile so much?
You’ve said many times that all
Watch The Video For “My Head’s In Mississippi” By ZZ Top
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