New Jersey Stage December 2014 | Page 88

from the capital to safer rural areas, and sensitive young London teacher Eve (Fox) is assigned the task, along with her cold-hearted older cohort Jean (McCrory), of relocating a group of children to a small village on the coast. Turns out their new home happens to be Eel Marsh House, the decrepit mist cloaked site of the events of the previous movie, and home to the title spook herself. The WWII setting adds an interesting element, with the manda- tory wartime blackout serving as an excuse for the film to be constantly shrouded in darkness. The early scenes make good use of this conceit, with a wonderfully atmospheric bus ride through narrow country lanes flanked by creepily deformed trees. The arrival at Eel Marsh House promises much in terms of creeping dread, but once the assembled characters close its creaky door behind them, the movie begins a rapid downhill descent into post J-Horror cattle- Watch The Trailer For The Woman In Black 2 New Jersey Stage December 2014 pg 88