Frank Sanders is an extraordi-
nary human being and we had
the pleasure of staying with him
for a few days at his B&B called
The Devil’s Tower Lodge. It was
here that we got an immersion
into the world of rock climbing
and we learned that Frank is a
mentor and guru of sorts who has
climbed and topped the iconic
National Monument over 2000
times. People flock to his hard
to find hideaway to ascend the
geologic curiosity that was prom-
inently featured in the Steven
Spielberg movie Close Encoun-
ters of the Third Kind. We heard
him tell many visitors the rock will
tell you where to put your hands.
As an accomplished piano player
he also puts his hands all over
the ivories on Dreams Come True
– a delightful collection of a doz-
en covers that he calls his take on
the dinner lounge music theme.
It’s not unusual to find Frank en-
tertaining his guests with some
relaxing melodies after a day of
basking in the Power of the Tow-
er. Now, everyone can enjoy the
Watch Frank and The Tower
NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 8