tank for their beliefs while oth-
ers just seem to be along for the
ride, and some of the lesser edu-
cated detainees appear to have
been duped by the intellectuals
among the group.
The hook of Clash is such a
high concept it could be re-
worked to suit pretty much any
cultural, political or social divide,
and I would gladly watch re-
makes of this set in 1980s North-
ern Ireland or civil rights era
America. I fear few filmmakers
would offer such nuance as Diab
however. w
Diab’s film goes far beyond a simple
one location character drama
4 stars out of 5
Directed by: Mohamed Diab
Starring: Nelly Karim, Hani Adel,
El Sebaii Mohamed,
Ahmed Abdelhamid Hefny
NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 8