Sarina - And the reason we
picked those specific artists is
that they are women of different
races and different demograph-
ics that all capture that same
thing, which was that the music
was first. Everything else came
secondary to that. The mes-
sage that they were trying to get
across was through their mu-
sic. That’s what we admired the
most from those specific women.
There are plenty of other exam-
ples, but those three stood out
in our eyes.
and have it come from her own
voice and then with her business
after that - she was a huge role
model and someone we want to
You two are very confident per-
formers. Did that confidence
come from years of performing
and seeing the industry up close
or from learning about the histo-
ries of artists like those three?
Nalani - It’s a combination of
all of those things. Definitely
being educated helps a lot, but
honestly a lot of it comes from
Do you like the way those three the support of each other as well
all took charge of their careers
as our family and our team. Like
in the way you said during the
we said in the TED talk, we try
TED talk - “be proactive as op-
to surround ourselves with peo-
posed to reactive”?
ple who keep us grounded and
Sarina - Absolutely. We saw
push us to be better every day
plenty of documentaries on all
and challenge ourselves. Our
three of them, but especially on managers are a huge part of that
Carole King. She started out
and our family is a big part of
purely as a songwriter and for
that too.
her to take a stand for her music
NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 8