New Jersey Stage 2017: Issue 7 | Page 40

the most insane idea ever pro- posed by a president and yet somehow the American Taxpay- er may end up paying for this monument to stupidity. That is unless of course some Bad Hom- bres stop him…” In a way, the satire serves as a form of therapy, but the group has a higher goal in mind as well. “The main goal is to just point out over and over again that Donald Trump does not care about anyone but himself,” said Cubría. “This isn’t a Red vs Blue argument. We love Republi- cans, we love Libertarians, we just hate Donald Trump. He only cares about himself. He lies to people over and over again. Like when he said he had brought back 45,000 coal jobs. This is just a lie and to lie to people who have lost their jobs is a re- ally terrible thing to do. So we want to make sure we keep pointing out his hypocrisy over and over again.” w Watch Bad Hombres Comedy with “The Gringo Ban” NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 7 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 40