then re-order/replace the songs
, add and remove characters and
ultimately wrote much the script
in the car.
know - the community is fierce-
ly independent - there’s not a
single big box anything, which I
find remarkable given the town’s
rocky history. That said, when
The modern day Asbury Park
we moved down from NYC full-
has a rather eclectic scene going time 2 years ago I was a little
on right now. You performed
nervous moving from such a
“54” at House of Independents mecca of eclecticism. But t hanks
before. How did that night go? to the rapid progress we wit-
Do you see something of the
nessed over the 6 years since
Studio 54 vibe going on in As-
we bought the house, I was con-
bury Park?
fident that I could get used to
I adore Asbury Park. Truly. AP
it. Now it’s going to have to get
is really unlike any other city I
used to me, I suppose...
A look at the band’s first rehearsal for 54 The Musical
NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 7