New Jersey Stage 2017: Issue 40 | Page 124

closed, but nothing lasts forever. Alan: I was walking around As- bury Park by myself on a hot sum- mer day about six or seven years ago, and I knew Bands on a Bud- get was hosting a live music event. I stopped in to get out of the heat, and that was when I met Thomas Wesley Stern. We hit it off pretty epically after that show, and I got introduced to Jesse and Acciden- tal Seabirds from them. Through that initial meeting, we have made many of our closest friends and musical comrades. It’s been an amazing ride. We have been wel- comed into this community and the Pine Barrens music community as if we have all been family for several lifetimes. It’s a magical re- lationship. The Porchistas, Jackson Pines and Accidental Seabirds and their members have played together a lot, but have you ever toured and recorded and released stuff to- gether and/or do you plan to? Jesse: We’ve done a few runs to- gether. New England with The Por- chistas was fun. Hopefully, we can do that again sometime. We’ve Watch a video for“Waddling Fool” by The Porchistas NJ STAGE 2017 - Issue 40 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 124