where we did 70 songs. It was
so exhausting that I think the
next time I’ll do it is when he
turns 80. It all started out just
me and a guitar and friends
coming in. It just kind of blos-
somed into this pretty cool night.
Cafe when we had it there for
so many memorable nights. We
had equally memorable nights
at the Two River Theater. Each
venue is different and this is a
big undertaking in a big theater.
My whole thing is intimacy. It
took a little while to find the in-
How do you feel about where
timacy in such a big theater, but
the show is right now? It started we found it and we nailed it, and
out in a club then moved to a
we bring it back every year.
bigger venue and now you’re in
a huge theatre.
In between war and peace is
I love it. Every step of the way the concept of hope. Is there a
has been a blast. We had such
particular song you think repre-
a great time at the Downtown
sents hope the best?
Watch Pat Guadagno & cast perform “My Back Pages”
NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 4