like socks, fills the backpacks,
and distributes them to veterans
in homeless shelters in Newark
and Jersey City.
Paprzycki got in touch with
D’Alessandro and told him
about the festival. He said he
wanted to collect donations during the festival. They decided
to encourage people to either
make a financial donation in
the lobby or to bring pairs of
men’s socks (something that is
always needed which cannot
be purchased in dollar stores).
D’Alessandro is expected to
be at both shows on Saturday,
March 19 and Paprzycki is determined to send him back with
a car full of supplies and a large
amount of money to deposit.
“This is close to the core of why
I even started a theatre company,” said Paprzycki. “I’ve always
been about social issues. Brett
and I were talking about it. I
said what I really like about this
is we’re tying North Jersey and
Watch “Street Vets” - a PBS documentary film on homeless vets
2016 - ISSUE 2
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