used to have where Athens was
famous for its music scene or
Austin or Atlanta or whatever.
There’s some of that, but it’s
not to the degree it used to be
and I think a lot of the things we
had go hand in hand. You used
to have a great radio station
hooked up with a great newspaper hooked up with great indie
record store and they all kind of
worked together with each other.
So, I can listen to a cool broadcast out of Nebraska, but it’s not
going to have the same impact
as if it was in my own town and
it was a maverick DJ. Like if the
Sex Pistols were coming to play
a show and they just played a
song and I’d go get tickets and
go to the record store and buy
the record. It was like a snowball
effect and I don’t think that is going to happen again.
But it remains to be seen because I think we’re still in the
midst of a revolution and the
gatekeepers are changing. The
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