New Jersey Stage 2015 - Issue 11 | 页面 25

they said verbatim. tistic Director). I always thought it would be great to work there This is your fifth play to be because it was the theatre I went presented at George Street to in college. Playhouse. How did this relaMy first show there was The tionship come about? I went to Toxic Avenger. I had written that Rutgers and graduated in 1984. show with David Bryan, who I I wasn’t writing plays then, but I wrote Memphis with. We’re two knew about and went to George Jersey boys. We wrote the play Street. When I started getting very quickly and the producer produced in the mid to late ‘90s, said what should we do with George Street was the theatre this? I said I’ve always wanted I knew about, but I didn’t know to work at George Street PlayDavid Saint (George Street’s Ar- house and I’m from Jersey. The Watch a video on President Wilson’s decision to go to War 2015 - ISSUE 11 ARTICLES 25