by Eric Hillis
Over the past few years we’ve
seen the emergence of a curious
new sub-genre of films in which
Ordinary Joes find themselves
in the company of talented but
troubled celebrities - Marilyn
Monroe in My Week With Marilyn, Dylan Thomas in Set Fire to
the Stars and David Foster Wallace in The End of the Tour. Anton
Corbijn’s Life is the most interesting entry in this minor movement,
possibly because its subject
hasn’t yet reached his cult status
at the time the movie takes place.
The Ordinary Joe in question
here is freelance photographer
Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson).
Tired of eking out a living with
fluffy PR shoots on the sets of
Hollywood productions, Stock
aspires to something greater, a
photo essay that will make his
name, one worthy of Life magazine. Now if only he could find
an intriguing subject.
2015 - ISSUE 11