New House Checklist - Feel at Home When Moving In | Page 7

Use bigger boxes to pack bulky items such as blankets or clothes — and save the smaller boxes for heavy and fragile small items such as books and glasses , Mr Singh recommends .
If you only have big boxes to work with , " pack weight with volume ; for example , fill the bottom layer with books and the top layer with pillows , clothes or toys ", Mr Singh adds . Combining items like this helps keep your boxes liftable , he explains .
Pack a special box for moving day
It ' s a classic stressful moment : Arriving in a new house with no idea where to find the phone charger , shampoo or your wallet .
Ms Smith recommends setting aside a special box filled with all the necessities you ' ll require immediately after your move ( don ' t forget the loo paper !) — and travelling with those items separately , rather than lumping them into the moving van .
If you have kids , you might also want to pack some snacks and comfort items to help smooth the process .
Get used to the new area before you move
Feeling daunted by the prospect of new surroundings ? Familiarising yourself with your new area before making the move can help .
" One idea is to drive around the suburb before you move ," says Ms Godfrey . " Go and have coffee in the local cafes ; start buying your groceries there , even ."
Outgoing and proactive people tend to feel settled in their new surrounds more quickly , so consider taking the lead on meeting your neighbours : you might join an online community group , find a local playgroup , or strike up a conversation with other dog owners in the park .
And don ' t expect to feel settled overnight . It takes around six months to a year after a move to feel settled in , Ms Godfrey says .
" It ' s quite a long time to resettle into a new environment and a new house and make new friendships with neighbours and the community ."
The Ultimate Change Of Address Checklist When Moving
Home relocation allows you to start a new life and fulfil all your dreams . Metropolitan cities like Melbourne offer great employment , education and entrepreneurship options to people of all ages . If you plan to move to Melbourne , make sure you do thorough research and find a suitable residential property at the best price .