New House Checklist - Feel at Home When Moving In | Page 4

wait to be added to a truck that is moving to the same area . This will reduce the cost . Finally , make sure you know your rights and purchase additional insurance if necessary .
Ask Your Friends to Help
Even if you hire movers , and especially if you don ' t hire movers , you ' ll need some other people to help you carry items out of your old house and into your new one . If you plan to rely heavily on friends to help with your move , you need to make sure they ' re committed to your plight . And you need to line them up early in the game . If you want help , it ' s best to schedule your move for a weekend day , when most people are off work . When your helpers arrive , have a plan in place for what each person should do -- assign each friend a particular set of boxes or a specific room to focus on . Be sure to thank each person individually and even better -- schedule some sort of formal thank you for everyone , such as a dinner out or a cookout at your new place the next weekend . They deserve it .
Get Your New Place in Tip-top Shape
If you ' re moving to a rental or a fixer-upper , there might be some plans you have for your new place . Whether you hope to paint , do minor repairs , conduct extensive renovations or simply give the place a nice squeaky-clean shine , try to do so before you move in . Any projects you have planned will be easier and faster if they ' re completed before your boxes and furnishings arrive . If you don ' t have time to get in there yourself , consider hiring some help who can complete your tasks while you finish packing for the move . You ' ll have a much better chance of making your plans a reality .
Read Up on How to Drive a Rental Truck
If you ' re going to drive your own rental truck or van , read up on how to drive it before you get out on the road . There are several things to keep in mind when you ' re driving a truck : First , if you normally drive a sedan , the truck is going to be much wider than what you ' re used to driving . It ' s also heavier than a car , so it won ' t stop as quickly . Be sure there ' s more than one car length between your truck and the vehicle ahead of you at all times . Pay attention to road signs regarding trucks , never pass a vehicle moving more than 40 miles per hour and , unless you ' re particularly adept at using your side-view mirrors , avoid backing up as much as possible -- it ' s tricky .
Have Rugs , Drapes and Slipcovers Cleaned
Moving is the perfect occasion to have some things cleaned that tend to go without cleaning for long periods of time . For example , if your couch has a cover that can be removed , you can send that cover and the cushion slipcovers to the cleaners for a good washing . The same goes for your rugs ( depending on what they ' re made of ). Drapes , shower curtains and bed