In many countries of Europe, field observations towards different species groups are common. A main reason of this is the presence of a high diversity of field guides. The presence of numerous field guides adapted from children to experts on their own language, have led to an increase in nature observations. Especially, guides prepared specific to a country, with details when and where a species can be seen, are essential for observers carrying out activities as a hobby or professionally on the field. However in Turkey, there exist very few field guides on different species groups, and also majority
of them are translations of foreign guides to
Turkish. In other words, there exist very limited number of field guides that are prepared
specifically to Turkey. But in parallel, the number
of people, from students to retired people,
interested in butterfly watching in Turkey has increased drastically. In this respect there are different internet platforms which are established: Turkey’s Anonym Butterflies (TRAKEL), Turkey Butterfly Watchers and Photographers Club (AdaMerOs-Kelebek-Türkiye) are among them.