Why these Australian Pastors hold national
conferences that bring about a Heart Revolution
Why hold a conference on the
subject of the Heart Revolution?
Well, for some time the Lord has
been speaking quite loudly to us
about implementing a strategic
cultural shift within our own
church at a leadership level that
will ensure a significant impact
upon the heart of our entire
church culture. The depth of what
God does in the heart of leaders
holds the greatest promise for the
transformation of the church.
As cultural architects, leaders
have the privilege of creating a
culture that intentionally carries
people in the direction of building
community in a manner that fully
reflects the core values articulated
by Jesus. There can be no doubt
that Jesus called His disciples to
do life together in community
from the heart and not from a
paradigm. This lies at the heart
of Jesus’ prayer for supernatural
oneness in John 17.
The core value of ‘living from the
heart’ reflected in the entire body
of Jesus’ teaching was powerfully
juxtaposed against the prevailing
religious paradigm of His day that
placed the focus upon outward
appearance. As we have journeyed
together in church life we have
reached the conviction that we
must relentlessly battle against this
inevitable drift into a functional
performance culture that looks
good on the outside but which
lacks the centrality of really doing
relationships with one another
from the heart.
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