New England Cyber Defender - David Javaheri January 2024 | Page 2

David Javaheri with " Shark ", Robert Herjavec

Happy New Year !

Welcome to the winter 2024 edition of New England Cyber Defender Magazine . This quarter , we have a number of articles with valuable insights that will keep you building your business . First , Robert Herjavec imparts his “ 18 Laws Of Success ,” touching on themes of resilience , client relationships , and innovative sales strategies . Geoff Smart provides crucial hiring insights in “ 5 Tips to Stop Candidates With the Wrong Stuff ,” and Mike Michalowicz offers strategies to transform your sales approaches in “ Three Strategies to Help You Stop Selling and Start Serving to Increase Revenue .”

What would happen if your business were to fall prey to a cyberattack tomorrow ? It ’ s a question that underscores the urgency of cybersecurity in our evolving digital world . Thankfully , now there ’ s a way to know . . . through penetration testing .
Similar to a “ mock ” hack , penetration testing is a practice attack that prepares your defenses for the real thing , finding weak points before they become problems .
Penetration testing is vital for businesses to safeguard data and finances , especially in the context of cybersecurity insurance . These tests simulate real-world cyberattacks and systematically look for vulnerabilities that malicious actors might exploit . By identifying weaknesses in the system , businesses can proactively fortify their defenses and reduce the risk of data breaches and financial losses .
For cyber insurance providers , the results of penetration tests serve as a tangible demonstration of a company ’ s commitment to cybersecurity .
As you read through this month ’ s articles , don ’ t wait for the attack but instead proactively start building your fortress today .
On December 7 , I presented to 200 MSPs on penetration testing , and I have another speaking engagement on the same coming up this quarter . It ’ s a hot topic right now , and I ’ m honored to have been chosen to educate my peers and fellow entrepreneurs on what it means , what it looks like , and how to do it effectively .
Speaking of being honored , I would also like to highlight that I was featured on the cover of a special edition of MSP Success Cybersecurity Magazine that was published in November , with an image of me presenting on the same stage as the Sharks . I am very proud of this . If you are interested in having a copy , please reach out to me and I ’ ll be glad to give you one .
The last thing I ’ d like to mention is Small Business Tech Day , which took place on November 16 and was a great success . Thank you to everyone who came on and joined us .
I ’ ll close with a thank you for reading our magazine , which I ’ ve designed to educate small and medium-sized businesses on cybersecurity , without the technobabble .
David Javaheri | President & CEO Direct iT - A Security Company That Does IT . directitcorp . com info @ directitcorp . com ( 781 ) 996-4918