Issue 101 - 2025
Hydrogen Innovative start-ups are improving efficiency and reducing costs
Have we got the right environment for growth in onshore wind and solar PV ?
Main Interview Donnie Wahlberg shares his new enthusiasm for renewable fuel
SAF Demand for sustainable aviation fuel is changing the landscape
Editorial Sidebars
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Hello and welcome to NET magazine . Focusing on renewable fuels and clean energy , we cover topics essential for senior executives across the global green energy industry and its associated segments .
If you are looking for information on the latest developments in solar , wind , hydrogen , biofuels , geothermal energy , and emerging technologies , then this is the magazine for you . Our expert authors highlight industry best practices and emerging trends , as well as offer discussions of all aspects of renewables and clean energy . These critical insights into today ’ s operational challenges and core competencies are targeted to a highly engaged audience .
The magazine is the ideal platform for decision-makers to share their stories of success and help drive the global transition to sustainable energy solutions .
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Libbie Hammond , Editor LH @ finelightmediagroup . com
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Our cover story discusses why the UK cannot ignore onshore wind and solar – technologies that already have a proven track record .
Turn to page 26 to learn more .
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