New Energy Today Issue 101 | Page 25

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hydrogen
component costs . Long-term cost efficiencies will require more R & D and embracing of abundant materials in production technologies , even if requiring some trade-offs on durability .
For example , concerns about the use of critical raw materials in catalysts for electrolysis has prompted the development of new catalysts not comprised of the typical platinum-group family . In Europe , the EIC Pathfinder challenge is investigating carbonbased catalysts , among other routes , as novel synthesis routes for catalysts for green hydrogen production .
Delivering at-scale means the industry will need to overcome serious technical midstream challenges . Other areas of opportunity that are often overlooked include controls monitoring and safety technology that are critical to cost efficiency and operational stability .
In 2022 , venture investors poured a record $ 2.41bn into hydrogen ventures , including $ 300m on Monolith , which has developed methane pyrolysis technology to split natural gas into carbon and hydrogen gas on a commercial scale . This year , the industry is on course for a lower $ 1.92bn . Overall , green hydrogen is the best funded segment , with $ 954m , followed by hydrogen pyrolysis with $ 300.1m .
Hydrogen start-ups are bringing innovation to address the twin challenges of reducing costs and raising efficiencies . In production , Aurora Hydrogen is using plasma at high temperatures to reduce CO 2
, while Plagazi is tapping different waste feedstocks . Similarly , Getech is using subsurface imaging to tap natural hydrogen . Sinoscience Fullcryo raised $ 110.5m in August to increase equipment manufacturing . Interestingly , they do not necessarily have any deeptech innovation that dramatically differentiates them from competitors . Rather , they act as a sort of one-stop shop for largescale cryogenic solutions of hydrogen . At this relatively early stage of building out the hydrogen economy , some investors are more interested in who can gain the greatest control of a developing value-chain .
Increased penetration of low-carbon hydrogen can have far-reaching impact across broad swathes of the economy . It can help decarbonize hard-to-abate industries , such as heavy-duty trucking ( six percent of global
CO 2 emissions ), steel production ( nine percent of CO 2
), and aviation ( 2.4 percent of CO 2
). Green ammonia for fertilizer production is the nearest-term offtake market since no custom facilities will be required for its transportation and it has the lowest cost barrier for producers .
Where electrification is possible , hydrogen should not be considered as a viable energy source . In small- to medium-sized EVs and passenger vehicles , batteries will win out over fuel cells . Similarly , for domestic heating , electric heat pumps will win out over hydrogen heating systems and furnaces . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor . [ Data correct at time of publication Jan 2024 ]
Buff Lopez www . cleantech . com
Buff Lopez is a Research Analyst at Cleantech ® Group , a research-driven company that helps corporates , public sector , investors , and others , identify , assess , and engage with the innovative solutions and opportunities that are related to the world ’ s massive , and growing , environmental and climate challenges . Its insights and expertise are delivered to clients all over the world through research , consulting , and events . It has been the leading authority on global cleantech innovation since 2002 .
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