_______________________________________________________________________________________________ SAF Technology
New technology is unlocking the potential of sustainable aviation fuel
By Andrew Symes
Regulatory frameworks are evolving in different regions to support the adoption of sustainable aviation fuel ( SAF ) as the aviation industry needs to reduce its carbon emissions . The EU ’ s ReFuelEU initiative is a notable example , mandating that 70 percent of the 2050 blending requirement be SAF , with 50 percent of that sourced from Power-to-Liquids ( PtL ). This initiative sets a precedent for other countries , including the UK , US , and beyond , to follow suit with their own mandates and mechanisms . Most recently Singapore ’ s decision to use SAF to power all departing flights from 2026 demonstrates the rapid progression of SAF into mainstream aviation operations . Hence whilst SAF is a very small proportion of jet fuel today , it has huge potential growth prospects . Ultimately there is broad support behind the prize , enabling a future where people can fly with limited concerns about their impact on climate change .
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