New Demons- MONDAY TUESDAY | Page 4

and culture. None of these "natural" things are the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is the Word of God. It is the Truth from God as revealed in the Holy Bible. When we fail to know the Bible, what it says, who it is saying it to and why, then we have not truth nor "this" gospel. Christ was very specific in what He proclaimed, explained and demonstrated during His 3 years of ministry. It wasn't family first, it wasn't live large and charge, it wasn't even the topic of the church. Jesus only used the word church twice in all 4 accounts of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). What He does talk about relentlessly is the Kingdom of God.

I dare ask if you are reading this devotional do you know the difference between His church and the His Kingdom? Or is there one? Keep spending time with me; We'll get there This is the season, and I speak prophetically, that time as come for us to understand, know and spread Christ's gospel of the Kingdom. It is the truth every nation must know in order to see His Kingdom and enter His Kingdom now and in the eschaton.

The New You will now have the pressures, problems and people in life that will want you to keep your old focus and not go overboard on God. The enemy is crafty the most cunning. When he can't get the New You to recant he finds other ways to sideline you. Once you make a commitment and have a made up mind, all hell will break lose at work, with your family and with your finances. Those are the 3 primary areas of his attack. Health is on the list as well. Satan plays for keeps and he has been granted power by God do inflict certain unfortunes on each of us. Now God promises us in Romans 8:28 that for those of us who love Him, are called by Him that He will work it all out for our good. So while we will encounter affliction for His name sake, He will deliver us every time. Serving God is not simple nor is it for cowards. It is battle of the Kingdoms but no matter what we looks like we have VICTORY in Christ's Jesus. Let us pray.

Dear God, We bless your name on today and thank you for wisdom, knowledge and power in YOU. We understand that there is no one greater than You and that we belong to You. Today we pray that no matter what challenges, troubles and hardships are brought our way that we remain a people that will stay the course. I pray now for us to remain focused. I pray right now for the power to restrain and I pray right now that we are used mightily for the Great Commission. Give us a heart to reach every nation. Give us a heart to know and love Your word and it's truth. We bind pride, tradition and self-proclaims truths that will keep us from being an amazing vessel used by You. Have your way God. Rule and reign in our hearts as we come to know you and make you known to others. In Jesus' name we ask. Amen