New Demons- MONDAY TUESDAY | Page 2

Good day and welcome to your Kingdom Connection for Tuesday- Janaury 16th. We are in the 3rd week of Devotions on the topic, "New". On yesterday, the Matthew 12:43-45 passage on Unclean spirits effecting the New You was discussed. On today, we look at the New You as a new creation and babe in Christ and the tactics Satan uses to destroy us.

If we take seriously our special New Beginning at the altar or with whomever led us in the "sinners prayers" we immediately begin to go to church, learn the word of God and establish relationships with other believers. This is all of part of becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus and allowing all things to become new to us. As a baby in Christ, we desire to learn God's word. This is what nourishes us so that we can grow spiritually.

Now we learned on yesterday that the demonic world is pissed about this first phase moving into the second phase. But he can't stop our spiritual progress only we can by never starting it or refusing to guard it. If we make it pass this then the next two things the New You has to do is get a heavenly vision and continual knowledge of the word.

If you are wondering why these 2 things, it is simply because these are the 2 things that God says HIS people perish over. While they are under His dominion, while He is on the throne in their hearts, they can still perish because they don't know where they are going in Him and they don't know Him. We know from in the natural that we won't stay in a dead in relationship. Nor can we leave in place a confusion or abstractness. What we are doing in God and who He is on this course of life makes the difference of being a long term, growing individual who's love for God is getting deeper and stronger verses a short term, stagnant individual who's walk looks pretty much the same year after year.

II Corinthians 15:57 tells us to be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord, for our labor is not vain. But how can you be a continuing, unmovable servant and child of the King who is always doing more in and for Him with no direction and no knowledge of Him or what He desires? You can't! So let's look at these two things a little closer.

A vision is an disclosure of an unseen reality. Now I know we hear the word vision at work, in schools and in government but these are not disclosures presented from God. Vision is a bibical term and it is form of communication between God and mankind. Abraham was shown a vision, Noah was given a vision, Isaiah was shown a vision and Paul shares his testimony in Acts about his Heavenly Vision.

As believers, it is not our job to come up with things to do for God. We don't have figure out how to serve Him or make Him pleased with us. Jesus tells us to pray, that the Father's will be done on earth as it is IN Heaven. In the eternities and in the mind of God, everything concerning mankind is worked out, laid out and simply waiting to done on earth. How God let's us know about this unseens reality is through visions. Every church should have one and the people in the church who are new creations should be tapping into their new assignments.

When we operate and govern our lives by Heavenly visions we become a 1) focused people 2) a constrained people and 3) Great Commissioned people.

The vision shows us what to look at as it pertains to God. We have to be careful not get get diplopia or double vision. We are to operate from a single focus on God and His plan for our lives. As we focus on accomplishing what God has assigned for our lives, it inevitably causes us to take some opportunities off the table. We can't work all day, every day if we have to have time to do what God has called us to do. We can't spend all of our remaining non-work time on relationships, hobbies and the like and have no time for God. The vision is the priority. The vision is what keeps us connected to God and His purpose for our life. The vision is what we will be judged by in eternity. Things of the world have to be placed in proper order with time, money and talent restrictions or else there is no one available to pray Your will be done one earth as it is in heave much less execute Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

The goal of every heavenly vision of all churches is spread the gospel of the Kingdom. Matthew 24:14 explains, " And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

We all have a deadline to reach. Christ is expecting His Ambassadors and Delegates to be on their mission through His vision.

Next, if we are good with the heavenly vision and mission of the Great Commission we have to have knowledge of God. We are not called to spread our American ways by changing nations clothes, speech