New Construction Products October 2022 | Page 4

NCP Contents • October 2022
PG 4 PG 10
PG 18
PG 22 PG 24
Compact Construction Equipment Takes the Electric Lead
John Deere Continues Performance Tiering Rollout with Launch of Large Wheel Loader Line
CM Labs brings Trimble GPS capabilities to Excavator , Dozer , and Motor Grader Simulation Training Packs
Monthly Buyer ’ s Guide Ad Index

Pg 10

Vol . 22 Issue 10
Glen Hobson 205-441-5591 glen @ handfmedia . net
Brian Lockheart 205-624-2182 lockbrian692 @ gmail . com
Butch Cole 205-624-2180 butch @ handfmedia . net
Steven Hobson steven @ handfmedia . net
Brandon Greenhill brandon @ handfmedia . net
Jacklyn Greenhill jacklyn @ handfmedia . net
P . O . Box 1568 • Pelham , AL 35124 Phone : 205-441-5591 • Fax : 205-624-2181 www . newconstructionproducts . com info @ newconstructionproducts . com
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2 NCP Magazine • October 2022
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