New Consciousness Review Winter 2016 | Page 37

AWAKENING HEALTH REVIEW & INTERVIEW Incurable Me why the best medical research does not make it into clinical practice by K. Paul Stoller, M.D. Dr. Stoller was a board-certified pediatric physician for 20 years, and specializes in treating children and adults with brain injuries and disorders. He is known for pioneering the use of hyperbaric oxygen with babies with fetal alcohol syndrome and is an expert in functional medicine, which uses diet and natural supplements alongside conventional medicine. A lthough he delves into areas that are highly controversial, like the connection between corporate funding of research and policy decisions and legislation that favors these companies, I found this book to be highly scientific, almost a bit too much for a layman, and meticulously documented. Through his research, Dr. Stoller has been able to link a great many disabilities directly to the prevalence of pesticides and neurotoxins in our food, our environment and in our vaccines. Although he goes pretty far down the rabbit hole into what might be called conspiracy theory, it is difficult to ignore the copious evidence he cites from mainstream scientific journals and testimony from respected scientists. It has become cliché to point out the dependency of academia on big Pharma funding, but Stoller does cite many proven examples. What was new for me was the revelation that the government itself – through agencies like the 37 | New Consciousness Review