What Causes the Damage
There are many different diet and environmental
influences that can compromise our gut health as
well as elements of our past medical history, including:
Overuse of antibiotics
Birth via C-section
Not receiving breastmilk
Overuse of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories)
Diet High in Gluten
Diet High in Sugar, Processed Foods & GMO’s
Chronic Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors (antacids)
If you’re checking the box on any (or close to all) of
the above, don’t fret. The damage can be repaired.
The time it will take depends on many factors – including your specific condition and your compliance with the plan to correct it.
Getting Back in Balance
What to Take Out
It’s critical to start here because you can’t start the repair process while damage is still being done.
When you consume gluten, it causes the release of a protein called zonulin,
which unzips the “tight junctions” that hold together your intestinal lining.
Sugar feeds the pathogenic bacteria (e.g. yeast), allowing them to overtake the
beneficial bacteria, aka “dysbiosis.”
The Bt (Bacillus thuringienesis)-toxin within genetically-modified crops has
been show to alter immune function and gut permeability.
Overuse of
NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen,
etc.) play a large role in increasing the permeability of your gut.
Chronic stress makes your gut more permeable, disrupts the composition of the
microbiota and causes inflammation within your gut.
Other Food
Beyond gluten, other sensitivities or intolerances can exist that can be tested
via blood work and/or elimination diets. Common culprits are dairy from cow’s
milk, corn and soy
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